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How often do you need to put chlorine in a pool?
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- Release Time:2020-06-19 15:45
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【Summary】In Swimming Pool Chlorine is the main chemical which is used for sanitizing the water to keep it free from bacteria and virus . Adding chlorine depends on the pool size , volume , water temp and so other factors also….
How often do you need to put chlorine in a pool?
【Summary】In Swimming Pool Chlorine is the main chemical which is used for sanitizing the water to keep it free from bacteria and virus . Adding chlorine depends on the pool size , volume , water temp and so other factors also….
- Categroy:News
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- Release Time:2020-06-19 15:45
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In Swimming Pool Chlorine is the main chemical which is used for sanitizing the water to keep it free from bacteria and virus . Adding chlorine depends on the pool size , volume , water temp and so other factors also….
If it is public pool we need to check the chlorine level 2 times a day atleast so that if it is low we can add the chlorine 9 or its is ok then we should avoid adding more chlorine) so that water should not turn green and create bad smell.
if it is private pool you can do checking weekly 2 or 3 times as the pool is less used so the chlorine level will not have much up and down in a full day.
Also adding chlorine in covered and open pool have very important factor as open pools which have direct sunlight require more chlorine then the closed pool so if you can cover your pool with solar blanket or a shed above so the chlorine consumption will be low and you will save a lot on chemicals used.
Before adding chlorine PH and alkalinity also to be checked other wise the efficiency of chlorine will be decreased and will not work properly.
Chlorine also are of many type SDIC , TCCA , Calcium Hypo , Sodium Hypo , Bleach and many more some in gas form some in liquid and some in powder granular and Tablet form . All have different chlorine content like 90%, 60%,45% or 30% also having different properties and compounds some reacts faster and some reacts slowly some are in stabilized form and some are in unstablized forms so the frequency of adding chemicals also depend on this chlorine compound do you use. Read the instruction carefully before buying or using it.
Winter and summer the consumption will differ in the same pool at the same place.
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