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Disinfection and oxidation mechanism of bleach and calcium hypochlorite
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- Release Time:2021-05-27 11:45
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【Summary】Calcium hypochlorite has two functions in aquaculture: disinfection and oxidation of pond bottom mud and water body. After calcium hypochlorite is dissolved in water, hypochlorous acid with bactericidal ability will be produced, hypochlorous acid will then release active chlorine and new ecological oxygen. The active chlorine and the new ecological oxygen show strong bactericidal and oxidative effects, so its bactericidal ability is related to the amount of effective chlorine contained.
Disinfection and oxidation mechanism of bleach and calcium hypochlorite
【Summary】Calcium hypochlorite has two functions in aquaculture: disinfection and oxidation of pond bottom mud and water body. After calcium hypochlorite is dissolved in water, hypochlorous acid with bactericidal ability will be produced, hypochlorous acid will then release active chlorine and new ecological oxygen. The active chlorine and the new ecological oxygen show strong bactericidal and oxidative effects, so its bactericidal ability is related to the amount of effective chlorine contained.
- Categroy:News
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- Release Time:2021-05-27 11:45
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Calcium hypochlorite has two functions in aquaculture: disinfection and oxidation of pond bottom mud and water body. After calcium hypochlorite is dissolved in water, hypochlorous acid with bactericidal ability will be produced, hypochlorous acid will then release active chlorine and new ecological oxygen. The active chlorine and the new ecological oxygen show strong bactericidal and oxidative effects, so its bactericidal ability is related to the amount of effective chlorine contained.
Oxidation of hypochlorous acid
Hypochlorous acid is a neutral molecule with very small molecular weight, it is easy to reach the surface of the bacteria with negative charge through diffusion, and through the cell wall to penetrate the inside of the bacteria for oxidation, destroy the phosphate dehydrogenase of bacteria, so that the imbalance of enamelizing metabolism causes the death of bacteria.
The role of new ecological oxygen
The hypochlorous acid is decomposed to form new ecological oxygen, which can oxidize the bottom mud and water body of the pond and improve the REDOX potential of the pond.
Chlorination: Chlorine binds to cell membrane proteins to form nitrogen chloride compounds, which interfere with cell metabolism and eventually cause cell death.
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Time of issue : 2024-11-22 11:14:22
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